
And other terminology

A Git repository is roughly
equivalent to a project folder.

One project, one repository.

A repository contains files,
and history about those files.

Structure of a Repository

A repository can be created from the command line,
by running git init inside your project folder.

Running git init creates a hidden
folder called .git inside your project.

The hidden .git folder contains files which track
your project’s status, changes, and other git-related stuff.

Deleting the hidden .git file will erase your
git history, making your folder “normal” again.

You can only run git commands in a folder
where there is an existing git repository.

That is, you have to git init
before you can use Git for a project!

Structure of a Git Project

A repository usually has a README

A repository usually has a .gitignore

A repository generally has a license

Great! Now you have some idea what a Git repository is.
