The basics of Version Control, Git and GitHub.
When managing files for a large project, there are
some common issues you may be familiar with…
Situation 1: Copy Paste
So many folders!
Situation 2: But it was there yesterday!
Losing your hard work is sucky.
Situation 3: Sad Laptop
It just… died.
Version Control addresses all of these problems, and more.
It runs on your computer like any other software
It allows you to create backup points at any time.
It can show you each of the changes
you’ve made since your last backup.
It lets you time travel.
It can send files to a remote backup location.
Another popular system is Mercurial,
but Git is currently the most popular.
Git is free software, which you can
download and install on your computer.
You can interact with Git using the command line.
You can also interact with Git using an app interface.
GitHub is a service to store Git repositories in the cloud,
just like Gmail is a service to store email in the cloud.
Another popular service is BitBucket.
They’re the same but different.
Git manages your project files on your computer.
GitHub is for backups, collaboration and publishing.
You can tell Git to send
your files to GitHub any time.
Files on GitHub can be accessed
by other team members.
They can also be open to public view.
Our project is tidier, our backups are well-managed,
and all team members have visibility of the project state.
Situation 1: Copy Paste - SOLVED
Git keeps copies for us, letting us focus
on the current version at all times.
Situation 2: But it was there yesterday! - SOLVED
Git allows us to view timestamped versions,
and recover anything we accidentally deleted.
Situation 3: Sad Laptop - SOLVED
Pushing to GitHub creates a remote backup,
which we can copy to a new computer if needed.
Great! We’ve covered the basics of Git, GitHub and Version Control.