Git Workflow

Introducing Git into your daily routine

Edit -> Stage -> Commit

  • Edit
  • Stage
  • Commit

Make changes to your files and save them.
Create new files or delete existing ones.

  • Edit
  • Stage
  • Commit

Choose the files which should be grouped as
an easily-described change or unit of progress.

  • Edit
  • Stage
  • Commit

Save the staged changes to your repository.

Each commit is a local backup

A commit is labeled with its author (you!)
along with the date and time it was created.

A good commit…

  • Achieves only a small piece of progress
  • Changes the code as little as possible
  • Describes the change with a concise message
  • Leaves the project better than it was


The Git Workflow

A Commit is a local backup

A Push is a remote backup

It pushes all of your commits to GitHub