Perception of colour

Colour Sensitivty


Modelling Colour

  • RGB Colour Model

RGB Cube

Modelling Colour

  • HSV (Hue Saturation Value)/HSL (Hue Saturation Lightness) Colour Models
  • Designed to be more intuitive than RGB
  • Can convert perfectly back and forth to RGB
  • Represents colour as a triple (H,S,V)

Modelling Colour

  • Other colour models exist that cover wider range of colour
  • CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key) - 4 channels
  • Pantone

Practical Rules for Colour

Use color only when needed to serve a particular communication goal.

Colour rules

Showing Detail

The use of luminance contrast

Avoid Oversaturation

  • Argh
  • Better

Colour Coding Information

Google Maps

Colour maps/palettes

Example Colour Maps

The Rainbow Colourmap

Don't use this

Perceptually Uniform colourmaps

Isn't this better!

Background Colour - Grey or White?

Hadley Wickham

Background Colour - Grey or White?

Nate Silver
