
Demonstrate your understanding of Scrum by describing key elements of the process and discussing how to handle common scenarios.

Assessment Task

Here are some sample answers for the assessment task:

  1. Name the key principles of Scrum.
    NOTE: The principles are not set in stone and many people have differing opinions, but here are some possibilities:
    Timeboxing: All events have a set amount of time allowed to keep progress and feedbock flowing.
    Self-Organising Teams: People work to their strengths, fulfil roles and complete tasks as needed without restriction.
    Shippable Code: Working versions of the application are the main measure of progress. Regular delivery of value to the customer.
    Iterative Process: Split into sprints which include work, feedback, and retrospective.

  2. Describe the key events in the Scrum process.
    At least: Sprint Planning, Daily Standup, Sprint Retrospective.
    Possible options: Sprint Planning, Sprint, Daily Standup, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective.

  3. Name the three key roles in a Scrum team, and describe the responsibilities of each one.
    Product Owner: Manages what’s in the backlog and prioritises those items.
    Dev Team: Does the work of delivering shippable increments each sprint. Decides how stories (requirements) are implemented.
    Scrum Master: Responsible for guiding the team in working in an Agile fashion under the Scrum theory, practice and rules.

  4. Explain how a team using Scrum would handle the situation where a client’s product requirements have changed.
    The product owner would communicate with the client to add the new requirements to the product backlog as stories. The team’s workflow is not disrupted and the new requirements will be considered from the next sprint planning meeting.

  5. Explain how a team using Scrum would handle the situation where the planned work for a sprint was not completed by the development team.
    The team would discuss the shortcomings at the sprint review. They need to identify what caused them to not achieve what they planned, and how to mitigate those problems in future sprints. They may realise that they overestimated the number of story points they could achieve, and that they should take on less work for future sprints.

  6. Explain the relationship between Scrum and Agile.
    Agile is described as a “mindset” while Scrum is a methodology. That is, Scrum is a process which can be followed my teams to enable them to work in an Agile manner. Agile describes a bunch of values which should be strived for, and Scrum gives teams a way to prioritise these values through their workflow.