
Create a comprehensive ReadMe file which gives the reader a clear understanding of the project purpose, structure, run requirements, expected output and licence.

Assessment Task

Using either your own project or the supplied NLDL sample project available from here create a comprehensive ReadMe file which gives the reader a clear understanding of the project purpose, structure, run requirements, expected output and licence.

The ReadMe file should be assessed by a peer or mentor. A complete ReadMe file is defined as one which meets the requirements below and can be used by a person unfamiliar with the project to run the project using both sample data and custom data. They should also be able to easily locate the program’s output, which should be in the format they expected.

The ReadMe should meet the following requirements:

  1. Clearly formatted using Markdown.
  2. Include project name and overview.
  3. Describe expected format of input data and key requirements.
  4. Instructions to run the program using an included sample data set.
  5. Instructions to run the program using a user-supplied data set.
  6. Description or example of expected output.
  7. Known limitations of the software.
  8. License type and link to full licence file.
  9. List of contributors.
  10. Correctly named “”.

Note: If you cannot or choose not to meet one of the points above, justify why not.